Monday, January 13, 2020

Carrie with Carrie Fisher

What started out as The Adventures of Luke Starkiller as taken from the Journal of the Whills, Saga I: The Star Wars, and eventually became Star Wars revolutionized the science fiction genres and launched the cast into stardom. However,  had George Lucas gone in a different direction with the casting of Princess Leia, what might have happened?

The Set-Up

Brian De Palma and George Lucas set up a joint casting session for both Carrie and Star Wars. In fact, William Katt who would play Tommy Ross in the film Carrie had been considered for the role of Luke Skywalker. Interestingly, Robert Englund, who would portray Freddy Krueger, auditioned for Star Wars and suggested his friend Mark Hamill be considered. 

The Execution

Carrie did extremely well both critically and commercially and is regarded as one of the great all-time horror movies. It was also the first adaptation of a Stephen King story and would help to establish his legacy as well. Piper Laurie, who played Carrie's mother, thought the film was a black comedy since she felt her performance was too over-the-top. She had to be told otherwise.

"A skeleton walks into a bar and says 'give me a beer and a mop.'

What might have been

So, hypothetically, Carrie Fisher plays Carrie in the film Carrie, and aside from being extremely meta, allows for Jodie Foster to portray Princess Leia. 

I just wish I could switch places with her for one day

This, of course, changes her career trajectory, which means a different actress plays Clarice Starling in the film adaptation of The Silence of the Lambs. 

I always tell the truth. Even when I lie...

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