Monday, January 27, 2020

Star Wars with Kurt Russell

Kurt Russell began his career as a child actor. In 1963, in one of his first roles, he kicked Elvis Presley's character in the shin in the film "It Happened at the World's Fair." Later, Russell would be one of a few who successfully made the transition from being a child actor to an adult actor. Now a leading man and bankable star, what if George Lucas had gone a different way during casting in 1976. We might have gotten this:

"Who's scruffy looking?"

The Set-Up

During the same casting session which saw Carrie Fisher read for both Princess Leia and Carrie the film of the same name; Kurt Russell read for the part of Han Solo. Had he been cast as the loveable rogue, things would have been quite different. 

The Execution

Harrison Ford did an excellent job as Han Solo. He made the character three dimensional and added depth which Kurt Russell may not have been able to bring to the role at that age. While he managed to imbue a similar vibe to Jack Burton, he was also 36 at the time, as opposed to 25 when he auditioned for Star Wars. Regardless, it's difficult to picture anyone else except Harrison Ford playing Han Solo.

"Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid.”

What might have been

However, if Russell is cast, then Star Wars probably launches him to stardom and he does not act in any of the John Carpenter films which would cement his legacy later. Instead, we have:

"You are the Duke; A Number 1"
hold the fort and keep the home fires burning. And if we’re not back by dawn… call the president.

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